
Turning inner space into outer space

January 25, 2025

Hyperduck is quack-tastic

I’m a little late to the party with Hyperduck, but maybe you are, too, so I’m spreading the word.

Hyperduck is an app that you install both on your Mac plus one or more other Apple devices — iPhone, iPad or Vision. Once that’s done you’ll find a new option when sharing a web page from one of said devices: “Send to Mac”.

Choose that option, and the next time you’re at your Mac, you’ll see the page sitting there open on your default browser. This is super handy if you want to deal with something later and want it in your face so you don’t forget.

Hyperduck also sends other types of URLs — one that will run a shortcut, for example. There are few things I like better than a good automation, so I’m looking forward to exploring that one. Read this MacStories article to get started.